10 million kg of plastic enters our rivers every day. You can change that.
Your support helps us to make rivers plastic-free
Our mission is to stop plastic before it can reach our oceans. With your help, we can make 1 000 rivers plastic-free by 2050 and activate people in the fight against plastic pollution!
How can you help?
You can make a one-off or monthly donation or organize a fundraiser, for example for your birthday, wedding or an important sport event. Your contribution enables us to achieve our mission by cleaning rivers, change behavior and transforming organizations.
For donations of € 40 or more, you can get a tax certificate via the King Baudouin Foundation. If you want a tax certificate, it's important to donate via the King Baudouin Foundation. Donate online or on bank account BE10 0000 0000 0404 (King Baudouin Foundation) with structured communication +++ 623/3676/10006 +++ in order to receive a tax certificate in the beginning of next year.
The Source
Why do plastic-free rivers matter to you? Whatever your personal motivation is, today you can take action. We're gathering a small and dedicated group of 5 to 10 philanthropists to support our organizational capacity. So we can evolve from a startup to scale-up and reach our ambition of 1 000 plastic-free rivers by 2050. By committing multi-year support, you allow us to plan for the future, creating efficiency and stability. As a partner of The Source you provide more than just financial support: you’re one of our most loyal team members, our most visionary partners and our most outspoken champions.
Legacy giving
Do you want to invest in a plastic-free future? You can give future generations a life without plastic pollution. Did you know every week we consume microplastics as big as a credit card? Our nature and bodies are polluted with plastics, but we can turn the tide. Include River Cleanup in your will and let your values and activism live on.
Memorial donations
Do you want to honour a loved one? You can do this with a gift in memoriam and as such keep that person's ideals alive.
Happy plastic birthday!
Got something to celebrate? A birthday? A wedding or birth? Ask for a donation instead of a wrapped present. Let your friends and family give you a clean river as a gift. And why not surprise someone else at their party with this original gift?
Contact us
Contact us for more information on donations, fundraisers, legacy giving or other ways to support us financially.
Josti Gadeyne
Receive a tax receipt
You can get a tax receipt by supporting us through the King Baudouin Foundation.
Become a corporate partner
You want to make a difference with your company? Learn more about our mutually-beneficial partnerships.
Contribute by wire transfer
We also accept donations via wire transfer on our bank account: BE42 7370 5967 5554 (KREDBEBB). Please note you can't get a tax certificate for these donations.