Give a clean river!

River Cleanup launches sustainable year-end gift to clean up 1 million kg of river plastics in 2021!

Today, the Belgian non-profit River Cleanup is launching an original end-of-year campaign to support the clean-up operations planned for 2021 at home and abroad. One River Cleanup gift certificate represents 30 kg of river plastics to be cleaned up in the most polluted rivers in the world or in a river near you.

River Cleanup has been mobilizing volunteers in cities around waterways since 2017. Every year, some 8 billion kilograms of waste end up in our seas and oceans. After an initial 10-minute cleanup in 2017, the nonprofit has since grown rapidly with more than 100,000 volunteers in 45 countries today. In addition, River Cleanup also implements smart technologies to capture floating waste.

"Every year, as Belgians, we consume an average of 30 kg of plastic, which corresponds to more than 1,000 PET bottles! Each gift certificate allows us to clean up the equivalent along rivers and thus contribute to a cleaner planet. An original end-of-year gift that will make everyone happy."  says Thomas de Groote, founder River Cleanup.